New DIY look for Byres Road charity shop

Photo: oxfam logo. Wednesday 17th February

Oxfam DIY is located at 231 Byres Rd, Glasgow, G12 8TN.

Frightened Rabbit star helps re-launch Oxfam store with DJ set

GLASGOW'S west end will be home to Scotland's first Oxfam DIY fashion store when the Byres Road charity shop re-opens its doors after a stylish re-launch on Wednesday (17 February) - with help from one Scotland's hottest bands.

The shop, already popular with the area's students and fashion-conscious locals, has been undergoing extensive renovations to turn it into an Oxfam DIY store, similar to Oxfam's hugely successful DIY store in London's trendy Camden.

And Andy Monaghan, bass player with Scottish indie band Frightened Rabbit, will be showing his support for the charity with an exclusive DJ set at the official launch night on Wednesday.

Oxfam's DIY stores are the ultimate fashion resource destination for independent style seekers. The idea is to pick up some stunning fashion bargains and re-style them yourself to design your own unique garment.

Andy Monaghan said:

"The DIY store sounds like a good idea to me and I've always been supportive of Oxfam's work. "I've shopped at Oxfam stores for years and I'm happy to help in any way I can."

The launch night, which starts at 7pm, will be soundtracked by Andy's DJ set and shoppers will also be able to see some of the great designs from local designers and artists like Lori Marshall and Stuart Ford.

Shop staff will be delighted to help with advice for your re-styling ideas. And members of some Glasgow design collectives will also be on hand to offer expert advice.

Store manager Elaina Smith said:

"I'm very excited about the re-launch. The shop looks brilliant right down to the last detail. "The first thing people will notice is the striking black and white Oxfam logo which stands out compared to the traditional Oxfam green. "Byres Road is the perfect location for an Oxfam DIY store and I'm sure people will flock to see what kind of thing we have on offer. "We still have all the great quality stock that we always did at fantastic prices, only now we'll be able to give people advice on how to design and re-style garments for themselves and come up with something truly unique. "I think it's going to be a lot of fun and it really breaks the mould of the traditional idea of a charity shop. And shoppers will also be doing their bit to help Oxfam fight poverty around the world."

The store opens at 7pm on Wednesday, 17 February. As well as the DJ set, there will be snacks and treats available for shoppers. No tickets are required.

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